Rebooting those eating habits – Eating Consciously

cleanse, detox, healthyliving, healthymind, meditation

Yet, another cleanse!

I’ve been dedicated to cleansing every couple months.  Not only do I get a refreshing dose of super foods, but I commit to practicing clean eating and living habits for a period of time.  What better way to develop healthy habits than to consistently practice them!

Over the past couple of years, I’ve tried a number of different cleanses and detoxes — everything from drinking tea daily to juicing to a Paleo diet.  Some practices have left me feeling more rejuvenated than others, and some habits I now practice daily!  It’s the slightest tweak in decision-making that makes the world of difference.

I also find it’s easier to stick to the regimen if you promote yourself!  This could mean getting a friend to join you, or maybe just posting your progress.  The key is to be held accountable, however if you “cheat” on a cleanse, you’re only short-handing yourself ;]

These are the habits I will mindfully practice for the next 7 days…

1. Jillian Michael’s Tea Cleanse


Are you a tea drinker?  Then you’re especially going to like this.  This is a simple one to follow, especially when you don’t have to modify what you eat!  Just drinking 60oz. of this tea (2 Large mason jars) a day helps shed 5lbs. in a week…

>> 1 Organic Dandelion Root tea bag

>> 2 Tbsp. lemon juice

>> 2 Tbsp. 100% pure cranberry juice (no sugar)

Dandelion Root : helps boost metabolism, serves as a diuretic, and aids digestion.  It’s also good for your liver and gallbladder.

– Lemon : rich source of vitamin C which promotes a healthy immune system.  It serves as a detox agent, aiding the kidneys, restoring the body’s natural pH balance, and giving a natural energy boost.

– Cranberry : rich in antioxidants. Serves as a diuretic, cleansing your urinary tract and helps in aiding UTI’s.  Also good for your oral health.

2. Superfood / Raw / Paleo Diet


This part is always bittersweet!  It takes preparation and planning ahead for this one.  Everything I eat or drink is a consumption that serves a nutritional purpose.  Most of my picks are raw foods, avoiding additives like sugar, chemicals, butter, starch, etc.  I usually shop the day of or before I start this cleanse so I have a full kitchen to work with.  Consider this the fun part where you get to experiment and try all those new recipes you’ve been posting on Pinterest!  I’ve found lots of yummy choices from The Nutrition Twins, and have a small collection of clean eating recipe books I can finally give attention to.  I have a few drink and food recipes on  My Pinterest for you as well!

Here are a few items on my shopping list:

>> lean chicken breast

>> 100% orange juice, almond milk, coconut water, 100% cranberry juice

>> sweet potato, onions, bell peppers, kale, garlic, carrots, strawberries, bananas, lemons, green apples, romaine lettuce, grapes, spinach, broccoli

>> whole grain tortillas, quinoa

>> dark chocolate raisins, almond butter, almonds

>> chic peas, mixed beans, corn kernels

Find foods that are convenient so you can take it with you or prepare fast — no excuses when you’re at work or going out.  My boyfriend wanted to go on a movie date, so I prepared some healthy munchies to take with me :]

3. Mindfulness


This can mean whatever you want it to mean.  For me, I see this as a mental cleanse.  I dedicate this week to myself, to really love myself and spend time doing the things I love but often lose focus of.  I stick to my daily yoga, I’ll meet up with friends for a hike or dominate a tennis match.  I’ll finally make time for that book I’ve been wanting to read, or to learn that song on guitar that’s been stuck in my head.  I meditate every day (even if just for a few minutes) to focus on my breath and the present moment.  You are cleansing your body because you want to be healthy, inside and out, mentally and physically.  You’re being good to yourself, because WHY SHOULDN’T YOU BE? When you consume, always consider how it benefits you, whether it’s food or life.  Take on each day like it’s going to be awesome, because you want to have an awesome day!

“Each morning we are born again.  What we do today matters most.” 


Photos from ©ABCPhotography

You can follow me on ♥ Instagram @OmAwayFromHome ❤

Body & Mind Cleanse, Day #3 – Planning Ahead

cleanse, costfriendly, diy, healthyeating, healthyliving, ideas, onabudget, planningahead, prep, snacks

Rise and shine! Got an early start to the day since we had about a 2 1/2 hour drive to Flagstaff for the Snowbowl, my first time snowboarding a real mountain! Fueled up with my default egg and avocado breakfast and some quinoa.

I knew I had to pack a cooler of snacks since we were going to be up north for the day, and it’s not like I could just order anything off the menu.  With a ton of munchies on hand, I was grazing and energized for the whole day!

~~> What was in my cooler:


-Nut clusters (Costco)



-Easy avocado salad (avocado, tomato, lemon, salt, pepper, cilantro)

Homemade granola bars (no bake!)

-Naked drinks

-Coconut water

-Baby Carrots

Greek-style chic pea salad (minus the cheese… boo)

and plenty of water…  the only thing I wish I wasn’t missing out on was the hot chocolate. Once we arrived home after 5 hours of driving and 6 hours of snowboarding, I was hungry but too tired to cook. Luckily, I made a vegetable soup in bulk that I froze into single-portion containers! In the morning, I put one in the fridge to defrost so all I had to do was pop it in the microwave.  This concept also works well for frozen meals in general. It’s quick and convenient, it’s healthy, it’s exactly what you like, and it’s cost efficient!

For more tips and ideas on how to prep your own frozen meals, visit my Pinterest

Body & Mind Cleanse, Day #1… and welcome to my blog!

body, cleanse, healthyeating, mind, yoga

I’m a 24-year-old Chicago native, though I recently relocated to hot and sunny Arizona.  The warmer weather offers many outdoor activities any time of the year, even hot yoga in 120 degrees!  Every new week offers an opportunity to explore my new home, whether it’s swimming and tubing on the natural lazy river or hiking an unfamiliar mountain.  I now realize how much the temperamental winters of Chicago have limited my fitness goals!  Now that it’s beautiful everyday and I no longer have a gym membership, I’ve been doing most of my workouts at home, if not the great outdoors.  I’ve also been focusing on clean eating and a healthy mind.  Best of all, I do it all on a budget! Pinterest is my best friend :]

Speaking of Pinterest, that’s where I get many of my ideas, diet tips and fitness challenges! You can also follow me on my Pinterest.

I post my food and yoga pictures on my Instagram.

Yoga enthusiast. Health fiend. Practicing Buddhist.  My purpose is to humbly offer the life regimen that works for me :]

= Detox Day #1:

Morning vinyasa-flow yoga with a friend.

Then Breakfast…

Two eggs over-easy in coconut-oil complimented with fresh-sliced avocado tossed in lemon juice, salt, pepper, & fresh cilantro. Easy, filling, & delicious.

I also made my nutri-bullet shake:

-1c baby spinach

-handful mixed berries (frozen)

-unsweetened almond milk

-1tsp chia seed

Dinners will be tricky considering I work at an Italian-American restaurant.  Looks like my default dinner at work for the week is grilled chicken breast with sautéed veggies in olive oil.  Costs me $3 with my discount!  Eating earlier in the shift helps me cut back on all the munching and “taste-testing” I usually do.  I also pack my own healthy snacks so I won’t be temped to cheat.  Day one is always the hardest… especially when you work in the industry.

No alcohol. No sugar. No dairy. Nothing processed! Looks like I’ll be prepping and cooking a lot this week :]